Blepharoplasty("eyelid surgery")

Eyelid surgery is also known as blepharoplasty. This surgery is done to to improve the upper and lower eye lid appearance from around the eye area, to give you a rejuvenated look. This surgery is known all across the world for making you look much younger than your age

Risks and complications:

Here is a list of the major risks involved during an eye lid surgery.

Partial abdominoplasty

A partial (or mini) abdominoplasty proceeds as follows:
  • Scarring around the area.
  • Impaired or blurred vision for some time.
  • Patient may feel difficulty in closing the eyes.
  • Infection may occur.
  • Asymmetry in eye lids may also happen.
  • Regular and long term pain.
  • Swelling around the treated area and skin discoloration are some other risks which are involved in an eye lid surgery.
  • Local anesthesia is given to the patients and it is a one day process, but yes, there is a possibility of anesthesia related complications in some cases. But here we take care of every thing and make sure that the above mentioned side effects do not arise at all. We also tell you about how to take care of the eyes further at home till the time you heel up completely.